The Halloween-Thanksgiving-Christmas holiday trifecta is traditionally characterized by festive and sometimes flamboyant displays of decorations. While many of these decorations are considered...
When a dog is digging up your backyard, you're going to wonder about two things. First, why in the world are they digging? Second, what can you do to stop them? We're going to take a look at so...
Soft, wet ground can dramatically affect horses' hooves. When the ground is very soft, hooves don't wear down as quickly, and can become overgrown or may grow unevenly. A horse's balance can...
Your pets are susceptible to diseases that humans either rarely or never contract. That's why you have to look out for things like heartworms, which is a serious disease. Heartworms are the result...
It's easy for humans to forget that pets don't have weekends. Their's is a 24/7 job. While they continue to surprise us with what they know - and learn - loud noises, flashing lights and frantic neighbors can signal...